1次元シュレーディンガー方程式の完全WKB解析 : 基礎理論と最近の発展について (準古典解析における諸問題)
- Virtual turning points and isomonodromic deformations : On the observation of S. Sasaki for the creation of new Stokes curves of Noumi-Yamada systems(New Trends and Applications of Complex Asymptotic Analysis : around dynamical systems, summability, conti
- A fresh glimpse into the Stokes geometry of the Berk-Nevins-Roberts equation through a singular coordinate transformation (Microlocal Analysis and Related Topics)
- A background story and some know-how of virtual turning points (Recent Trends in Exponential Asymptotics)
- On the exact WKB analysis of microdifferential operators of WKB type (Microlocal Analysis and Asymptotic Analysis)
- WKB型微分作用素に対するStokes図形の具体例に就いて (双曲形方程式と非正則度)
- 超局所微分作用素の完全WKB解析 (高階 Painleve 方程式の Stokes 図形の西川現象)
- 野海・山田方程式系のWKB解析に向けて (微分方程式の変形と漸近解析)
- On the exact WKB analysis for operators admitting infnitely many phases (Asymptotic Analysis and Microlocal Analysis of PDE)
- 無限個のphaseを持つある作用素のStokes geometryについて (完全最急降下法)
- WKB法による固有値問題の解 (固有値問題のひろがり--応用がひきおこす数学的現象)
- On a connection problem of simple pole type operators of second order in exact WKB analysis (Deformation of linear differential equations and their virtual turning points)
- On the exact WKB analysis for the fourth Painleve hierarchy (Recent Trends in Exponential Asymptotics)
- On the complete description of the Stokes geometry for the first Painleve hierarchy (Microlocal Analysis and Asymptotic Analysis)
- On the zero-set of some entire function of two complex variables arising from a physical problem (Global and asymptotic analysis of differential equations in the complex domain)
- On a connection problem for higher order linear ordinary differential equations (Deformation of differential equations and asymptotic analysis)
- On "new" turning points associated with regular singular points in the exact WKB analysis (Microlocal Analysis and PDE in the Complex Domain)
- Exact WKB analysis for Schrodinger equations with periodic potentials
- Exact WKB analysis of anharmonic oscillators.(Geometric methods in asymptotic analysis)
- 非調和振動子の固有値の摂動級数について(完全WKB解析と複素フーリエ解析)
- Asymptotic behavior of perturbation series of eigenvalues for anharmonic oscillators.
- On perturbation series of eigenvalues of anharmonic oscillators.(Algebraic Analysis of Singular Perturbations)
- 1次元シュレーディンガー方程式の完全WKB解析 : 基礎理論と最近の発展について (準古典解析における諸問題)