Democratic Superstring Field Theory and Its Gauge Fixing(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010))
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This work is my contribution to the proceedings of the conference "SFT2010-the third international conference on string field theory and related topics" and it reflects my talk there, which described the democratic string field theory and its gauge fixing. The democratic string field theory is the only fully RNS string field theory to date. It lives in the large Hilbert space and includes all picture numbers. Picture changing amounts in this formalism to a gauge transformation. We describe the theory and its properties and show that when partially gauge fixed it can be reduced to the modified theory and to the non-polynomial theory. In the latter case we can even include the Ramond sector in the picture-fixed action. We also show that another partial gauge-fixing leads to a new consistent string field theory at picture number -1.
- 2011-05-24
論文 | ランダム
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