- 論文の詳細を見る
≫The Naruto Chujo Monogatari≪ seems to have been written in the latter part of the 13th century, the hero of the historical novel being the 88th Emperor Gosaga (1220-1272). This is of unknown authorship. There appear three characters who move in the circle of the Emperor; one is a beautiful married lady fallen in love with by the Emperor, another her husband, a high-ranking courtier and the third is a courtier called 'Kuraudo' exerting himself to pursue her traces by order of the Emperor. Of this novel, we have three kinds of textbooks; (1) a short-story called ≫Naruto Chujo Monogatari≪ (2) ≫Nayotake Monogatari Emaki≪ with illustration, (3) the revised edition of ≫Nayotake Monogatari≪ with additional details, contained in the narative ≫Kokon Chomon Shu≪. In this paper I tried to make a text by means of the oldest manuscript of ≫Naruto Chujo Monogatari≪ and the excellent one of ≫Kokon Chomon Shu≪. To addition to it, its colloquial version, an essay on its formation and literary characteristics, references and materials for study are contained.
- 1973-03-00
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