- 論文の詳細を見る
This is a report on the preliminary stage of a longitudinal project aimed at developing classroom-based Can-do Statements for EFL college students. The participants of the study were 232 college students and the 11 English teachers who taught them. Two instruments were used in the study: a Can-do List questionnaire based on the Eiken Can-do Statements and the Eiken Placement Test. The Eiken Can-do Statements served as the outside measure for proficiency level adjustment. The students' responses to the questionnaire and test scores were analyzed using descriptive statistics. One result was that the students' questionnaire responses and the test scores were positively related; therefore, it was concluded that the use of the Eiken Can-do Statements as the proficiency level measure was appropriate for this college group. The analysis of the teachers' questionnaire results demonstrated that there were individual differences among the teachers in their interpretations and grading standards for the Can-do List questionnaire. Finally, it was argued that it is necessary to provide both students and teachers with adequate practice in answering the Can-do List questionnaire in order to promote deeper understanding of its purposes and meanings.
- 2010-03-31
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