- 論文の詳細を見る
Effective diagnostic capabilities and good drilling technique are both vital skills for dentists. Our research focuses on developing interactive computer-based simulations to help address these issues. We have created a prototype dental drilling training system that demonstrates a number of key technical components, and we have begun the process of validating the educational effectiveness of the simulator by running a pilot user study. The aim of the pilot study is to evaluate our experimental design and to identify potential improvements to the system design and experimental procedure in preparation for a full-sized user study. We have run a user study in which we compared the performance of simulator-trained students to that of students trained using real-world drills. Over the course of multiple training sessions, practice time decreased sharply for participants in the real-world training group, while it increased for those in the simulation group, indicating increased engagement with the task in the simulation group. Participants in the simulation group also showed a large jump in performance after the first session. This jump can be attributed to participants overcoming their initial unfamiliarity with the virtual reality system. Performance of the two groups on the final test was very close. The results of the experiment are encouraging, in that the simulation group experienced no recognizable negative training effects and performed on par or better than the real-world training group. The pilot study also pointed out a number of areas for improvement in the simulation, such as a more intuitive display system and better replication of the true hardness of teeth within the simulation, which we have since incorporated into the program.
- 2011-03-31
- 19.乳歯列に関する研究 : 幼稚園児の石膏模型による調査(第18回 福岡歯科大学総会抄録)
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- 本院小児歯科で実施した全身麻酔下集中歯科治療に関する実態調査
- 3歳児歯科健診での咀嚼習慣に関するアンケート調査 : 咀嚼傾向とその背景要因について
- 福岡歯科大学医科歯科総合病院小児歯科外来における初診患者の推移
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