プライミング効果と脳活性状態 : 言語処理の自動性における代替指標の可能性
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Automatization is regarded as an important factor in language acquisition. However, the conventionally operationalized variables of it pose the risk of introducing potential noise factors into the measure of learners' automaticity. Thus, alternative methods for assessing learners' language automaticity while reducing such risks is called for. One possible candidate for this research is priming effects (PE). Another one is examination of learners' brain blood activation patterns (BBAP) obtained with brain imaging technique. BBAP research has rapidly gained notice as an important technology in cognitive sciences. However, relatively little attention to measuring language proficiency in terms of PE and BBAP has been given in SLA. This study reports the results of pilot research exploring the possibility of using PE and BBAP as measurements of automaticity. Japanese EFL learners participated in a study to investigate the relationship between the PE and BBAP. Results indicated that PE were observed in learners of intermediate level proficiency, but no such effects were observed in lower learners. BBAP of several cases were also investigated based on the two factors. Although these results are less clear than those of PE, results suggest that the use of BBAP as an alternative measurement of automaticity is viable.
- 2010-12-20
- 脳科学から考える外国語習得(小中高大を見通した大学英語教育-一貫したカリキュラムを求めて)
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- 脳科学と第二言語習得(大会テーマ:グローバルな英語コミュニケーション能力とは-英語教育再考)
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