「エジプト国の自由市場経済化への移行における経済と政治」Dieter Weiss, Ulrich Wuszel著OECD刊
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An eminent researcher on Egypt in the Development Center of the Oganization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Mr. Dieter Weiss, together with Ulrich Wurzel, in 1998 published a study on Egypt which purports to examine the country from economic, political and social points of veiw. The authors present several facts in analyzing features they regard as weaknesses of Egyptian society, as well as criticizing what they characterize as fragile economic and political structures of the country. Weiss and Wurzel assert that the reform policies promulgated by the Egyptian Government, especially those concerning privatization of public enterprises, have been delayed and weakened in implementation due to the existence of various attitudinal and structural barriers in the country. In line with the "recommendations" virtually forced upon Egypt by the central international financial institutions, the IMF and World Bank claiming to represent the views of all donors, these authors blame the Egyptian Government for what they perceive as its incapability and faithlessness vis-a-vis several commitments which they say Egypt has, or in their view should have, made to the international donor community. The present essay aims to achieve a balanced understanding of Weiss and Wurzel's analysis of the structure, function and performance of the Egyptian economy, political system and society, particularly with respect to the process of privatization of existing public enterprises. In fact, the single objective of "privatization"alone has pre-empted almost the entire content of what the IMF and World Bank (echoed by Weiss and Wurzel) mean when they speak of "reform", at least during the decade starting from 1990. For this reason, an in-depth study of this single subject will go far in enabling us to understand both the internal processes evolving in Egypt at present, and the relations of its leaders with international financial institutions. Furthemore, it will serve to guide our approaches to other countries coping with many of the same problems in moving from traditional or centrally-planned societies toward market-oriented systems. Because this essay is so far based on rather preliminary study of the complex document published by Weiss and Wurzel, the present author is deliberately restrained in expressing any systematic, over-all critical opinions of their work: Only certain specific points they assert which particulary raise doubt, are evaluated in an ad-hoc manner.
- 日本福祉大学の論文
- 1999-08-31
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