オーストリアにおける少数者保護について : 市民的及び政治的権利に関する国際人権規約第27条との関連において
- 論文の詳細を見る
All over the world in recent years, there has been a resurgence of ethnic demands by ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities. Really, many of major political conflicts that have happened in every part of the world have a ethnic dimension. The Act on Ethnic Groups (Volksgruppengesetz) of 7 July 1976 provided that the Federal Government must assure ethnic minorities of special assistance to ensure their continued existence and preservation of their national characteristics. The Act also set up the establishment of Ethnic Groups Advisory Boards (Volksgruppenbeirate) to advise the Federal Government on the method of organizing the assistance to ethnic groups. Under the provisions of the Act the members of ethnic groups have the right to use their own language as official language in addition to German and to enjoy their own culture. Furthermore, rule concerning the affixing in specified areas of bilingual topographical terminology and inscriptions has been laid down in the Act.
- 日本福祉大学の論文
- 1993-01-31
- 日本政府のアイヌ民族政策について : 国際人権監視機関から考える
- クロアチアにおける少数民族保護について : 欧州審議会加盟との関係において
- オーストリアにおける少数者保護について : 市民的及び政治的権利に関する国際人権規約第27条との関連において