1512 ボクセル血流・血管弱連成解析による腹部大動脈流れ(2)(OS15-3 生体流体解析とその応用,OS15 生体流体解析とその応用,オーガナイズドセッション)
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Coupled analysis method of this study consists of four sections of "Voxel Generation", "Fluid Analysis", "Structure Analysis" and "Volume Morphing". Between four sections of data perform coupled analysis while exchanging it. By voxel generation, I do laminating of a sliced medical image and make volume data. I applied three-dimensional image interpolation algorithm to this volume data. And, with brightness value of volume data, I divide it into a structure domain, a fluid domain, other domains and use voxel as an analysis lattice. By fluid analysis, I used voxel data as an analysis lattice and applied CIP method (Cubic Interpolated Pseudioparticle method). Precision is good and can untie it by I use a value and an incline maintaining it in each coordinates by using CIP method, and doing interpolation by the third function. By structure analysis, I used voxel data as an analysis lattice and I used a value of pressure demanded by fluid analysis as external force and calculated displacement. By volume Morphing, I solve a brightness transportation equation with the displacement that I found by structure analysis and demand distribution of brightness. At first, with this analytical technique, I calculated the para-pipe which had the divergence part which assumed a blood vessel as inspection. I performed coupled analysis of the abdomen aorta including a divergence part and got a proper analysis result afterwards.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2006-10-28
松澤 照男
熊畑 清
森 太志
松澤 照男
熊畑 清
松沢 照男
北陸先端科学技術大学院大 情報科セ
松澤 照男
渡邉 正宏
渡邉 正宏
北陸先端大 情報科学センター
森 太志
野口 和博
松澤 照男
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