銭匁勘定と銭遣い : 江戸期幣制の特色を再検討する
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論説(Article)江戸時代後期、西日本や東北日本においては銭貨が価値基準に利用される「銭遣い」経済圏が成立していたという仮説が提示されている。しかし、この仮説の妥当性について検証されることはほとんどなく、通説として受け入れられるまでには至っていない。本稿は、西南日本地方で普及していた銭匁勘定の意味合い等について江戸期幣制というマクロ経済的な枠組みとの関連で検討のうえ、この問題に対する回答を導くことを狙いとする。そして、銭匁勘定は銀貨不足を契機として江戸期幣制が貶質するなかで、価値の安定した価値基準および交換手段の確立を目指して地域的に成立した支払決済慣行と捉えることができるという結論に達した。加えて、西日本地方の大名領国では「銭遣い」経済圏が成立する一方で、領外取引は引き続き銀貨で決済されるなど、貨幣の使用に関しては二層構造の下にあったこと明らかになった。In the latter half of the Edo period, in Western and Northern Japan, Zeni (copper coin) was used as a local unit of account and as a means of payment, while gold and silver coins were used on a national level as units of account and exchange media. Considering this unique feature of currency use, some academics stressed that Zeni Tsukai (copper usage as a unit of account) prevailed in Western and Northern Japan. This paper aims at examining this view from the macroeconomic perspective by emphasizing on the varying nature of the Edo monetary system. The exhaustion of the gold and silver mines and the massive outflow of gold and silver coins resulted in a dramatic change in the circulated money: Zeni had come to play a dominant role as the settlement media in Western Japan and had acquired the role of the local standard in economic transactions since the mid-eighteenth century while the silver coins maintained their role as a national unit of accounst and payment media. Further, this practice was endorsed by the issue of Zeni-denominated domain notes called Hansatsu paper money. Thus, we conclude that payment media in the local clan in Western Japan became dual in the sense that commercial transactions within the territory were settled by Zeni and those across the border were by silver coins. This means that Zeni Tsukai can be supported when we focus on local transactions.
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