- 論文の詳細を見る
The sewage sludge is one of the biomass in which CO_2 exhausted by incineration is not counted as a greenhouse gas. However, less energy recovery from the sewage sludge has been practiced due to its high water content. So, we developed the gasification system capable of utilizing the sewage sludge energy as much as possible. We built a demonstration plant in Year 2004 as a co-development project with NEDO. Its throughput was 15 ton/day in an assumption of around 1/10 of the practical-use scale. The demonstration tests had been conducted until Year 2008. In the demonstration tests, we achieved a 2,000 hours' continuous operation of the sewage sludge gasification, thereby having maintained the 92% or more carbon conversion rate and 60-66% (mean: 63%) cold-gas efficiency. Moreover, a 38% or more high power generation efficiency was confirmed in the power generation tests with the gas engine under the conditions in which the city gas and gasification gas had been mixed. The trial calculation on the throughput of 150 ton/day in an assumption of the practical scale has resulted in that: In comparison with the conventional incineration technology, the primary energy can be reduced by approx. 107,000 GJ/year equivalent to approx. 22%, in the gasification system. In addition, the CO_2 exhaust amount can be reduced by 19,000 ton-CO_2/year equivalent to approx. 50%. The gasification system can reduce the CO_2 exhaust amount owing to the fossil fuel reduction arising from the power generation and waste heat utilization. In addition, it does not exhaust N_2O generated in the incineration system. This has led to a confirmation that, in comparison with the conventional incineration system, it can greatly reduce the greenhouse gas, thus being capable of contributing greatly to the low carbonization society.
- 一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会の論文
- 2010-05-20
天野 寿二
東京ガス(株)基盤技術部 技術研究所 環境システムチーム
天野 寿二
東京ガス株式会社r&d本部 総合研究所 技術研究所
林 一毅
巽 圭司
(株)タクマ 技術開発部 開発課
林 一毅
(株)タクマ 技術開発部 開発課
斉賀 亮宏
(株)タクマ エネルギー技術1部
巽 圭司
羽田 貴英
斉賀 亮宏
林 一毅
天野 寿二
東京瓦斯(株)基盤技術部 技術研究所
天野 寿二
羽田 貴英
東京瓦斯(株)基盤技術部 技術研究所
林 一毅
(株)タクマ 技術開発部
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