Introduction:Socio-Economic Dynamics in a Tank-Irrigated Rural Area in Contemporary Tamil Nadu, India
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After reviewing the major socio-economic changes occurring during the last 40 years or so in the study area of this special issue, namely, the Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, this introduction contextualizes thefive papers that follow. The major socio-economic changes include 1) the high economic growth and the preceded rapid increase in food (rice and coarse cereals) production in the state and the district, 2) the technological changes in agriculture (mainly the development of well irrigation and the diffusion of agriculturalmachineries such as power tillers/tractors and combine-harvesters), 3) the development of major government policies and programs in the state such as the Public Distribution System, the Self-Help Groupprogram, the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, and others.
- 2011-06-30
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- 制度の経済学と途上国の農業・農村開発 : 政府・市場・農村コミュニティのはざまにて
- 48. ラオス北部山岳部におけるトウモロコシ栽培の拡大要因(日本熱帯農業学会第97回講演会)
- ラオス村落信用組合考
- Groundwater market in Bengal : emergence and transformation(〈Special issue〉Development of rural economy in South Asia)
- ミャンマー社会雑感
- ミャンマー乾期灌漑稲作経済の実態 : ヤンゴン近郊農村フィールド調査より
- Deterioration of the Informal Tank Institution in Tamil Nadu:Caste-based Rural Society and Rapid Economic Development in India
- Self-Help Groups and the Rural Financial Market in South India:A Case of a Tamil Nadu Village
- Introduction:Socio-Economic Dynamics in a Tank-Irrigated Rural Area in Contemporary Tamil Nadu, India
- タイにおけるミャンマー人移民労働者の実態と問題の構図:南タイ・ラノーンの事例から