Novel screening system for protein-protein interactions by bimolecular fluorescence complementation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae(ENZYMOLOGY, PROTEIN ENGINEERING, AND ENZYME TECHNOLOGY)
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For high-throughput screening of protein-protein interactions, we have developed a novel yeast screening system using Bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC). Two yeast plasmids, in which genes of heterodimerized peptides LZA and LZB were each fused with those of non-fluorescent half fragments of Kusabira-Green mutant (mKG2), were transformed into a- and α-type yeast, respectively. Mating of them gave a library, which was screened by following green fluorescence resulted from LZA-LZB interaction. The method showed potential ability to detect the positive clones from a model library, in which green-fluorescent and non-fluorescent yeast was mixed in a ratio of 1:675.
Miyawaki Atsushi
Laboratory for Cell Function and Dynamics, Advanced Technology Development Center, RIKEN
Kojima Takaaki
Laboratory Of Chemical Biology Department Of Biological Science Graduate School Of Science Osaka Pre
Tsumuraya Takeshi
Laboratory For Cell Function And Dynamics Advanced Technology Development Group Brain Science Instit
Karasawa Satoshi
Laboratory for Cell Function and Dynamics, Advanced Technology Development Group, Brain Science Inst
Fujii Ikuo
Laboratory of Chemical Biology, Department of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka
Fujii Ikuo
Laboratory Of Chemical Biology Department Of Biological Science Graduate School Of Science Osaka Pre
Miyawaki Atsushi
Laboratory For Cell Function And Dynamics Advanced Technology Development Group Brain Science Instit
Miyawaki Atsushi
Laboratory For Cell Function And Dynamics Advanced Technology Development Center Brain Science Insti
Karasawa Satoshi
Laboratory For Cell Function And Dynamics Advanced Technology Development Group Brain Science Instit
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