EUにおける国外派遣労働者 : イギリスで生じた労働争議に関する一考察
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The European Union is attempting to create a single market where goods, capital, services and people move freely as if they were in a domestic market. Both goods and capital markets of the EU have been integrated to a great degree, respectively. However, European labour markets are not yet well integrated, nor are markets of services which include movement of natural persons. Due to the lack of sufficient coordination in national labour market policies, EU law concerning posted workers has caused conflicts in several EU member countries. In a previous article, I performed a case study on the conflict between a Latvian company and the Swedish Trade Union and analyzed reasons why a single European labour market can not be smoothly realized. This article presents another case study on the conflict between an Italian company and the British Trade Union in order to reinforce the evidence provided in the previous article.
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- EUにおける国外派遣労働者 : イギリスで生じた労働争議に関する一考察
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