- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2011-03-25
山田 弘司
Hamada Y
Nagoya Municipal Industrial Res. Inst. Nagoya Jpn
Yamada H
Department Of Electronics Nagoya University
山田 弘司
山田 弘司
自然科学研究機構 核融合科学研究所 ヘリカル研究部
- 物理学と核融合, 菊池満著, 京都大学学術出版会, 2009年, 258ページ, ISBN978-4876989317
- 31aYJ-2 LHD における高速イオン励起トロイダルアルヴェン固有モードの安定性に関する研究
- 大型ヘリカル装置のICRFアンテナと加熱特性
- 高密度ダイバータにおけるプラズマ輸送特性への3次元幾何学効果
- 25aA15P LHDにおける高イオン温度放電の達成(ヘリカル)
- 3p-T-2 CHSにおける高ベータNBIプラズマ実験II
- 29p-Z-1 CHSにおけるNBI可変入射角実験
- Increase of Central Ion Temperature after Carbon Pellet Injection in Ne-Seeded NBI Discharges of LHD
- Achievement of 10 keV Central Electron Temperatures by ECH in LHD
- 23aZB-11 LHDにおける核融合三重積の巨視的パラメータ依存性(23aZB 核融合プラズマ(輸送・閉じ込め・プラズマ壁相互作用),領域2(プラズマ基礎・プラズマ科学・核融合プラズマ・プラズマ宇宙物理))
- 21pTA-10 LHDの内部拡散障壁形成に周辺磁場構造が与える影響(核融合プラズマ(磁場閉じ込め核融合),領域2,プラズマ基礎・プラズマ科学・核談合プラズマ・プラズマ宇宙物理)
- 19aQA-4 LHDにおける内部拡散障壁形成時の閉じ込め特性(核融合プラズマ(磁場閉じ込め核融合(輸送・閉じ込め特性,非線形現象)),領域2,原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理)
- Composition of Positive Ions in High-Density H_2 Plasmas Measured by Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
- Measurement of Edge Density Profiles and Fluctuations in the H-Mode Discharge of the Compact Helical System (CHS) with a Thermal Neutral Lithium Beam Probe
- Effect of Plasma Current on Magnetohydrodynamic Modes in Neutral Beam Heated Plasmas in Compact Helical System
- Experimental Observation of Magnetic Fluctuations in NBI Heated Plasmas in CHS
- Comparative Study on Effect of Boronization and Titanium Gettering in Compact Helical System Heliotron/Torsatron Device
- 25pB1p LHDにおける強磁場での磁気面計測(ヘリカル/プラズマ応用)
- 19th Symposium on Fusion Technology(SOFT)報告 : 国際会議報告
- 29aB07 LHDにおけるICRF加熱による高エネルギーイオンの輸送解析(ヘリカルI)
- Electron Heat Transport Analysis of Low-Collisionality Plasmas in the Neoclassical-Transport-Optimized Configuration of LHD
- 28a-E-2 LHDのファーストプラズマにおける水素及び不純物の振舞いについて
- 28aA34P LHD実験におけるプラズマ電流とMHD平衡の解析(II)(トカマク2/ヘリカル1)
- Electrical Breakdown Assisted by Shock Wave in Benzene
- 29a-YX-2 CHSにおける磁気丘配位でのMHD安定性
- 26aQJ-9 LHDにおける共鳴磁場とMHDモードとの相互作用(26aQJ 核融合プラズマ(MHD・高速イオン),領域2(プラズマ基礎・プラズマ科学・核融合プラズマ・プラズマ宇宙物理))
- 27p-B-1 CHSにおけるNBIプラズマへのECH重量実験
- 30a-F-8 CHSにおけるICRF加熱時の高エネルギー粒子の振る舞い
- Reflection-Induced Light Correlation in Spontaneous Emission in Front of a Mirror
- Laser Emission from Dye-Doped Small Spheres by Ultraviolet N_2 Laser Pumping
- Investigation of the Transient Glow Discharge in Nitrogen
- Measurement of Time Lag of Electrical Breakdown in Polymethylmathacrylate under Highly Non-Uniform Field Using Nanosecond Pulse Voltage
- 28p-YA-9 CHSにおける高ベータNBIプラズマ実験
- 29pB07 [招待講演]LHD周辺輸送における磁場構造の役割(ヘリカル)
- 30pYJ-2 大型ヘリカル装置における異常輸送の磁場形状依存性について
- 29pB06 [招待講演]LHDにおけるペレット入射後の密度分布尖鋭化(ヘリカル)
- 29pB05 LHDプラズマの周辺部で励起される圧力駆動MHD不安定性の非線形発展(ヘリカルII)
- 23aXG-8 LHDにおける高速イオン励起アルヴェン固有モードの研究
- 22aH-9 LHDにおける高速イオン励起MHD不安定性の研究
- Molecular resolution imaging of protein molecules in liquid using frequency modulation atomic force microscopy
- Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkanethiol and Fluoroalkanethiol Investigated by Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy
- Local Surface Potential Measurements of Carbon Nanotube FETs by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
- Improvement of Coupling-Out Efficiency of Organic Light-Emitting Devices by Dot Array Structures with Organic Layer(Fabrication of Organic Nano-devices)(Recent Progress in Organic Molecular Electronics)
- Orientation Control of High-Density Polyethylene Molecular Chains Using Atomic Force Microscope
- Submolecular-Resolution Studies on Metal-Phthalocyanines by Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy
- Investigations of Nanoparticles by Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy Combined with Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Using a Piezoelectric Cantilever
- Orientation Control of Molecular Chains in Polymers Using Atomic Force Microscopy
- Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy Investigation of Phase-Separated Alkanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers with Different Head Groups
- Pyroelectricity of Ferroelectric Vinylidene Fluoride-Oligomer-Evaporated Thin Films
- Nanoscale Investigation of Optical and Electrical Properties by Dynamic-Mode Atomic Force Microscopy Using a Piezoelectric Cantilever
- Nanoscale Electrical Properties of Molecular Films in the Vicinity of Platinum Ultrathin Film Electrode
- Fabrication of Nanogap Electrodes Using Ultrathin Metal Film
- Investigations of Local Surface Properties by SNOM Combined with KFM Using a PZT Cantilever(Special Issue on Near-Field Optics and Its Applications)
- Fabrication of Nanometer-Scale Pattern Using Current-Controlled Scanning Probe Lithography
- Experimental Study on Energy Dissipation Induced by Displacement Current in Non-contact Aomic Force Microscopy Imaging of Molecular Thin Films
- Surface Potential Measurement of Oligothiophene Ultrathin Films by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
- Fabrication of a Nanogap on a Metal Nanowire Using Scanning Probe Lithography
- Molecular Ferroelectricity of Vinylidene Fluoride Oligomer Investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy
- Structures and Ferroelectric Natures of Epitaxially Grown Vinylidene Fluoride Oligomer Thin Films
- Nanometer-Scale Characterization of Ferroelectric Polymer Thin Films by Variable-Temperature Atomic Force Microscopy
- Structures and Electrical Properties of Fullerene Thin Films on Si(111)-7×7 Surface Investigated by Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy
- Investigation of Nonswitching Regions in Ferroelectric Thin Films Using Scanning Force Microscopy
- Dynamic Force Microscopy Investigations of C_ Deposited on Si(111) Surface
- Investigation of Surface Potential of Ferroelectric Organic Molecules by Scanning Probe Microscopy
- The Molecular Arrangements of Alkanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers on Au(111) Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Structures and Local Polarized Domains of Ferroelectric Organic Films Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy
- Structural Study on Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkanedithiol Molecules
- 第34回欧州物理学会(EPS)プラズマ物理に関する会議
- はじめに
- 閉じ込め時間(0次元)と輸送(1次元)の関わり
- 1.はじめに(磁場閉じ込め装置での粒子補給システムの現状と課題)
- 25pA6 LHDにおけるエネルギー閉じ込め比例則と閉じ込め改善についての考察(ヘリカル/計測)
- Possibility of Profile Control using Compact Toroid Injection on Large Helical Device
- 4-1 炉心プラズマ : 4. 一般講演 (ポスター発表) : 第2回核融合エネルギー連合講演会
- まとめ
- Measurement of Space Potential Fluctuations During MHD Activities in a Toroidal Helical Plasma with a Heavy Ion Beam Probe
- Proposal of a Single Sweep Measurement of a Potential Profile in Tokamak Plasmas by High Voltage Heavy Ion Beam Probes
- Electrical Breakdown at the Falling Edge of Rectangular Pulse Voltage Curve in Cyclohexane under Nonuniform Field Configuration
- D-4 Manufacturing Technology of High Resolution Probes for NDT
- Enhancement of Ultrasonic Testing Equipment Time Based Resolution by Synthetic Waveform Generator : Ultrasonic Microscopy and Nondestructive Testing
- 27pB07P LHDにおける高密度領域でのエネルギー閉じ込め特性について(ヘリカル)
- 27pB05P ペレット入射による燃料供給法の最適化(ヘリカル)
- 29pB06P LHDにおけるペレットの溶発挙動と密度再分配(ヘリカル2/慣性核融合/新概念)
- 14aXB-2 ヘリカルプラズマにおける電流駆動型 MHD 不安定性の特性(核融合プラズマ : 不安定性・加熱, 領域 2)
- Construction of a 100-Hz-Repetition-Rate 28-Channel Thomson Scattering System for the JIPPT-IIU Tokamak
- Effect of In Situ Carbon Coating on ICRF-Heated Tokamak Plasmas Relating to Radiation Loss by Iron-Impurities in JIPP T-IIU
- 4p-T-2 CHSにおける輸送係数の評価(I)
- 30a-TH-6 CHSにおけるECHプラズマの輸送解析
- 大型ヘリカル装置(LHD)実験
- Numerical Studies on Ergodization Effect of Externally-Applied Helical Field
- Helically Assisted Low-q Tokamak with l=2 Helical Winding
- 25pA8 LHDの高電子密度プラズマにおけるECE計測(ヘリカル/計測)
- Nature of Tip-Sample Interaction in Dynamic Mode Atomic Force Microscopy
- Tip-Induced Surface Disorder on Hydrogen-Terminated Silicon(111) Surface Observed by Ultrahigh-Vacuum Atomic Force Microscopy
- Observation of Hydrogen-Terminated Silicon (111) Surface by Ultrahigh-Vacuum Atomic Force Microscopy
- トーラスプラズマ中の電場とその空間構造を決定する物理機構
- 29p-ZC-2 CHSにおける基本波(53.2GHz)ECH実験(プラズマ物理・核融合)
- Proposal of Optical Near-Field Probe Using Evanescent Field of Microdisk Laser
- プロジェクトレビュー 大型ヘリカル装置計画から
- 27p-B-3 CHS装置における水素原子密度分布測定による粒子輸送系数の評価