「からだ」と学校文化 : 農業高校サッカー部員の事例
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八木秀夫教授定年退職記念号The purpose of this paper is to examine an epistemological premise of a discussion about educational reforms in Japan. Over the last decade, social reproduction has been the subject of controversy in the field of sociology of education. However, little attention has been paid towards the personal habit which is embedded in one's `body'.In this case study, I focus on (1) the habit of one soccer player in an agricultural high school by the analysis of his approach to soccer, (2) his preference for jobs and his career after graduation, and (3) the connection between the habit and the job preference.My research results are as follows: Firstly, the player loved consistent trial and error during his training to improve himself. Secondly, he went to a vocational school of agriculture and became an agricultural labourer after graduating from the school. Thirdly, his habit which had made him a labourer was the same as his approach for soccer. Behind this relation between his approach for soccer and his career selection, there is a similarity between the rhythm of agricultural crop and rhythm of his ‘body’. He wanted to become an agricultural labourer which does not have good reputation in this society.In the theory of social reproduction, there is an epistemological premise that all the people hope to get good jobs. From the viewpoint of this theory, he might be understood as a ‘loser’ in spite of his intention. If it is necessary for people to eat food, farmers and agricultural labourers are very important to everybody. There is a serious tendency to undervalue ‘body’ in this society.
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