人工マウンド礁の高精度造成に関する統合施工管理技術(平成21年度 学会賞受賞講演)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Artificial mound reefs have been recognized to be effective for ocean nourishment and fishing ground development This paper introduces their basic functions, benefits and project processes from planning to verification, and describes various investigation and experiments in practical works. As the results, several new technologies such as numerical simulation, field observation, construction methods and construction managements are integrated. The advanced system is successful in high-resolution placement of artificial mound reefs.
- 2010-11-15
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- 人工マウンド礁の高精度造成に関する統合施工管理技術
- 人工マウンド礁の高精度造成に関する統合施工管理技術(平成21年度 学会賞受賞講演)