- 論文の詳細を見る
This article investigates how a native speaker of English assesses the communicative writing proficiency of EFL learners. From data collected in an essay writing task in a Japanese high school classroom, this article looks at the assessment behavior of the trained native-speaking rater of English and this rater's underlying construct of writing assessment. Firstly, two raters were asked to evaluate the overall writing quality of 36 essay compositions with four different writing topics according to a 5-point holistic criterion-referenced scoring scale. Next, one of the raters was asked to assess whether each composition was convincing as a native-like English composition, with a 3-point analytic scale on 4 items: (1) the selection of appropriate words and phrases, (2) the conventions of grammar, punctuation, and spelling, (3) the method of organizing and presenting ideas and (4) the competent use of rhetorical devices to sustain the rater's attention. Then the rater was asked to present reasons for the analytic assessment with written comments when he felt that the composition was fairly strongly convincing or unconvincing as native-like English. The results of an exploratory factor analysis and a qualitative analysis of the rater's comments revealed that the rater's assessment was made on the judgment of both language-specific and writing expertise-specific criteria and exhibited that the rater's decision-making behavior was strongly influenced by the writing expertise-specific criterion.
- 全国英語教育学会の論文
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- 日本人高校生の英作文
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- Grammatical Consciousness-Raising and Relative Clause Formation
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