中学校英語科授業の活動選択における教師の要因 : 教師に対する意識調査に基づいて
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Recently great focus has been placed on the teacher's role. However, the teachers' decisionmaking process in the planning stage has been unclear. The purpose of this present paper thus is to explore teaching activity selection and the influences of some factors on activity selection (teachers' backgrounds and teachers' views toward the material in the textbook) by analyzing the results based on 153 responses from junior high school teachers in Nagano Prefecture to a questionnaire. The first finding is that teaching activities are categorized into five activity types: traditional, comprehension, communication, intercultural, and multimedia. Among the five activity types, the traditional and comprehension activity types are significantly frequent. Then the communication and intercultural types follow. Lastly, the multimedia activity type is the least chosen. The second finding is that activity selection is highly dependent on the teachers' views toward the textbook material, but not their personal and academic backgrounds. These findings lent support to the argument of the important role of teachers.
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