建物破壊を考慮した津波被害推定モデルの開発(環境・地球・宇宙 海洋・海域+災害(2),一般講演)
- 論文の詳細を見る
A tsunami causes destruction of structures and drift of vessels, cars and containers as well as inundation. The tsunami-drifted bodies have the potential to collide with structures such as houses and buildings and then to cause secondary damage to the structures. Furthermore, when a building is destroyed by tsunami wave force and collision of drifted bodies, inundation process around the building are changed. In this study, a numerical model has been developed to estimation inundation, behavior of tsunami-drifted bodies and structure destruction. This paper especially reports the structure destruction model and simple model tests for that model.
- 日本流体力学会の論文
- 2009-09-02
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