- 論文の詳細を見る
We verify the accuracy and the truncation errors of approximation to the first derivatives and to Laplacian operator in the lattice Boltzmann method. The truncation errors are calculated by the Taylor series expansion, and the influences are analytically and numerically examined in the simulation of two-phase flow. We propose the 4th-order accurate approximations to derivatives that utilize the property of the tensor unlike the finite difference. Application of the 4th-order accurate approximation scheme to two-phase flow simulation reduces the spurious current around the interface of a stationary droplet about to one-half of the results with the 2nd-order accuracy. The small spurious velocity in the vicinity of the interface of the 4th-order approximation increases the speed of a moving droplet, and distorts the shape of the droplet little. It is shown that the approximation method affects the important physical values, such as velocity, moving speed, or domain size in numerical simulations.
- 2007-08-06
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