AM06-06-018 シア流中の音波が引き起こす代数的不安定性(流体数理(4),一般講演)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In a bounded shear flow of the compressible fluid model, resonant interaction among the acoustic waves and the continuum modes is fully investigated by the Laplace transform. The interaction stems from the degeneracy of the point and continuous spectra, which is possible since the linearized fluid equation is governed by a non-selfadjoint operator. For the case of uniform shear, three-dimensional disturbances exhibit an algebraic growth (∝ t) of a certain continuum mode. The nonuniformity of shear does not allow the presence of such a degenerated point spectrum, which implies the Landau damping (or growth) of the acoustic wave.
- 日本流体力学会の論文
- 2006-09-05
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- AM06-06-018 シア流中の音波が引き起こす代数的不安定性(流体数理(4),一般講演)