AM06-06-008 ゾウリムシP.tetraureliaの生物対流とフロント形成(流体数理(2),一般講演)
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Bioconvection is fluid convection driven by swimming of microorganisms, which has been found for many kinds of protozoa and bacteria. In the case of Paramecium tetraurelia, it can be observed in large-density suspensions obtained by centrifugal concentration. We investigated the formation process of bioconvection of P. tetraurelia by using Hele-Shaw type containers, and found that the bioconvection appears with the propagation of a crowded front of paramecia. The results of experiments in nitrogen-gas environments suggest that the lack of oxygen causes such front formation. The fluid convection becomes non-stationary as the depth of a suspension increases, and its roll structures change rapidly with an increase of the density of paramecia.
- 日本流体力学会の論文
- 2006-09-05
狐崎 創
小森 理絵
狐崎 創
狐崎 創
奈良女子大学大学院 人間文化研究科 理学部 物理 科学科
春本 晃江
春本 晃江
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