AM05-09-002 往復流場における非対称没水構造物周りの数値解析(環境流体,一般講演)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Characteristics of oscillatory flow around submerged asymmetrical structures (we call this structure BaNK block) were investigated on the basis of numerical simulations. Komatsu_<et al>. have proposed 'BaNK System' in order to cope with beach erosion and shoaling of fairway. In this study, a half cylinder is used as a BaNK block which is set on the bottom of channel. It is found that an appropriate lateral interval is almost two times diameter of the cylinder. Furthermore, residual current can be produced in the wide area in front of the structure even if it is longitudinally only one, because high speed current around the structure expands with the area.
- 日本流体力学会の論文
- 2005-09-05
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- AM05-09-002 往復流場における非対称没水構造物周りの数値解析(環境流体,一般講演)
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