ヨーゼフ・バイヤー作曲のバレエ《ドナウの水の精》 : ヨハン・シュトラウスとの関連
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In 1892 Austrian Princess Pauline von Metternich organized "the Internaional Exhibitionof Music and Theatre" in Prater(Vienna). For this exhibition she asked Johann Strauss juniora waltz. He promised her to offer the waltz "Seid umschlungen Millionen", op.443. Laterthe Princess asked Strauss to compose a ballet for the Exhibition too. Strauss, however,refused her request. The ballet was the "Donaunixe", which first performed on 13th July.It is not clear why the director of the Austrian Court Ballet, Josef Bayer composed thisexihibition ballet. As the result of analysis Bayer used the motifs of 40 works by JohannStrauss jonior and "Radetzky March" by Johann Strauss senior in the ballet "Donaunixe".
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