TOEICの指導における指導手順 : 4技能のアップと集中的なインプット
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This paper will deal with the classroom teaching procedure adopted for a TOEIC English' course provided at Chiba Institute of Technology in the 2000-01 academic year. In this procedure listening activities are placed at the beginning and at the end of the class hour and reading and writing activities in the middle. In the class the students are to repeat lots of English sentences, selected from the 'TOEJC English' course book, out loud after the instructor, thus realizing plenty of 'language input'. They are supposed to learn the sentences by heart, and told to write them on pieces of paper from memory. Their papers are checked and marked by their peers. The students are required to recite the sentences in front of the class as well. The principles of this classroom teaching procedure are of Input Hypothesis, Comprehensible Input, i+1, Output Hypothesis, Pushed Output Hypothesis, Affective Filter Hypothesis, and Whole Language Approach. The effectiveness of this teaching procedure and some of the findings will be shown in the outcomes of the test administered at the end of the course, and in the questionnaire given on the very last day of the course.
- 課題によるパラグラフライティングから口頭発表へ : 英作文から英語の会話までの指導の授業手順(第40回 (2001年度) JACET全国大会)
- TOEICの指導における指導手順 : 4技能のアップと集中的なインプット