高校におけるLL授業の必要性とその効果 : テストとの関連による分析
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1. Preface I teach English conversational lessons to the 1st and 2nd year students using simple L.L. And I would like to report on the results obtained by following these lessons and tests. 2. The necessity of using L.L. The aim of the L.L. lesson is to teach students natural and living English. In Japan we often find a very unnatural way of teaching English; teachers teach only logical grammar not English itself. There must be reasons for that. For instance, that is the most effective way to make students pass the entrance examination for college, or even if we want to teach conversation, we cannot find enough native speakers. But as a matter of fact, the fundamental problem is that we don't have any appreciation of the importance of teaching living English. If we did, we would find the way. And here I recommend the use of L.L. method. 3. How to practice at L.L. and its limitation of usage. What should we do then at L.L.? We must teach correct English pronunciation first of all. Without mastering pronunciation, students can never develop their English ability in the normal way. And so we must give students enough chances to practice. For achieving this purpose, one of the best ways is to use L.L. We can ask the students to repeat the speech of native speakers again and again. And we can easily check each student's pronunciation. I want to recommend here not to ask too much of the students from the beginning. For example, perfect mastering of only [s]-[〓], [z]-[〓], [l]-[r], [p]-[f], [b]-[v] can be expected from the 1st year students. For the 2nd year students, [w], [m]-[n], [s]-[〓], [r], [p] (again), [〓], [j] and intonation and rhythm are required. But these pronunciation drills are just an appendix for the lessons. Our purpose is to teach living English conversation and composition. So we had better teach pronunciation and check the students while they practice conversational sentences. The best text is a book written in dialogue style and with pattern practices. We can teach not only English conversation but also English composition at the same time through well arranged pattern practices. And I must mention that these practices in L.L. are just an exercise for hearing and speaking, but not a real performance. We should ask students to perform English conversation with each other or with foreigners, if there is such a possibility. +. Investigation of the effect of using L.L. through tests. I always try to keep two kinds of records. One is the test using simple L.L. and the other a memo in class. I always checkpronunciation, intonation, speech, and performance abilities on my card in class. Then I compare these marks with the L.L. test. As the result of these materials, I want to mention the following matters. (1) Graph (1)-The average marks of pronunciation and performance practicein class. Comparing the mark of 1st and 2nd term, I found better marks as a whole in 2nd term. More than two thirds of the students can master fundamental pronunciation. Also I find that more than one third of the students can pronounce rather fluently with good intonation. (2) Graph (2)-The result of the L.L. test: question II. Put a suitable word in the blanks. This is a very good way to make students master prepositions. Graph (3)-The results of the L.L. test: question III and IV. Question ⇄L Answer. We should make questions and answers and interrogative sentences adapted for answers to balance the ability of asking and answering. (3) Graph (4)-The results of the hearing test, i.e. testing real capability. We find many misapprehensions through hearing. Such mistakes would not be made if the students could see the written words. We can say that the hearing ability of Japanese students differs greatly from their reading ability. Now, judging from graph (1) and (4), I can say that 20% of the students are good at both hearing and speaking. Even in free talking these students can speak English slowly but continuously. 50% of the students can understand and practice conversation smoothly following the text. 30% of the students are poor but they repeat and learn by heart the minimum standard English in text. They seldom become discouraged. 5. Closing L. L. is especially good for improving pronunciation and intonation. And at the same time students can approach living English in a natural way. Mastering English in this way is also a help to develop the fundamental ability of English composition.
- 1967-03-31