- 論文の詳細を見る
I Purpose What physical element is man's sensory judgement affected by, on axis of "simplicity-complication" in plane figures?. This study aims to make the functional relation clear and at the same time put the scale to practical use. II Method (1) On a card of 15×15cm, random figures of equal area are made used with table of random numders. (2) Judgement of "simplicity-complication" is made by ranking method used with 26 sheet of card. Subject are 60 students of high school. (3) Rank value "ri" of stimulus "i" is compared with other stimuli when it is calculated. Result and conclusion (1) Sensory judgement of figure's complication is proportioned to logarithm of peripheral length per area of this figure. (2) The following regression equation comes from the experiment. y=1.6 log l/S-0.908 The coefficient of correlation is r=+0.988 (3) The "scale of complication" is made using the upper equation. It has an origin at circle and 1 at square. This unit is named "Comp.". An equation of change is as follows. C=(log li-log 2√<πS_0>)/(log 2-log √<π>) C: Complication li: peripheral length S_0: Standard area of figure (4) 1 Comp. ought to be an interval of unit on this scale judging from man's ability of difference threshold. (5) The "scale of complication" is put to practical use on the basis of this study.
- 日本デザイン学会の論文
- 1968-03-25
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