第四紀の含水した細粒砂岩層を掘り抜く : 金沢山側環状・涌波トンネルにおけるPSS-Arch工法の開発と成果(北陸の技術的課題とその克服,<特集>北陸支部特集号-「心豊かに暮せる」をめざして-)
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Wakunami Tunnel is the glasses type tunnel that was constructed in the Wakunami plateau on the Kanazawa mountain-side Loop Expressway. The geology at the Wakunami plateau is water-saturated fine sandstone of Quaternary Era, and some faults was consecutive in the direction of running through the tunnel. Then Construction JV developed unprecedented "PSS-Arch (PreSaportinng System Arch) method that digs up the tunnel in having been defended by the timbering" in the locale. This paper reports significant achievements obtained by the adoption of this method.
- 2011-02-01