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Background-Blood C-reactive protein (CRP), a hepatic acute phase protein that is largely regulated by circulating interleukin-6, is elevated in individuals who are obese or who have coronary heart disease. Cross-sectional studies have shown that individuals with high CRP are at increased risk of diabetes onset.Blood CRP has been measured by conventional, sensitive ELISA, but the detection limit is not low enough to detect blood CRP in normal subjects. Therefore, we developed an ultra-sensitive immune complex transfer enzyme immunoassay (ICT-EIA) specific for CRP. In this study, this ultrasensitive immunoassay is used to evaluate the effects of calorie-restricted diet and exercise on CRP levels for obese subjects.Methods-Blood CRP level was measured before and after 3 months of calorie-restricted diet (n=30) or calorie-restricted diet plus exercise (n=30) in otherwise healthy, obese subjects.Results-The detection limit of ICT-EIA (0.01 pg/ml), was ten thousand-fold lower than that of conventional, sensitive ELISA. A total of ten subjects completed the 3-month caloric-restricted diet and eight subjects completed the caloric-restricted diet with exercise. Statistical analysis showed significant decreases in weight (P<0.01), fat mass (P<0.01), percent body fat (P<0.01), VFA (P<0.05) for the restricted calorie diet. In addition to these parameters, blood CRP (P<0.05) and leptin (P<0.05) were significantly decreased in the calorie-restricted diet plus exercise group. The change of CRP was significantly correlated with the change of both percent body fat (r=0.53,P<0.05) and exercise (r=-0.57, P<0.05) in 18 subjects who completed the regimens. Furthermore, blood CRP showed a significant decreased with increased exercise.Conclusions-Blood CRP can be decreased in obese subjects through calorie-restricted diet and exercise.
梅原 麻子
橋田 誠一
橋田 誠一
徳島文理大学 人間生活・食物栄養
沼田 聡
山本 真弓
沼田 聡
吉村 英悟
山本 真弓/梅原
徳島文理大学大学院人間生活学研究科食物学専攻/徳島文理大学健康科学研究所/高知女子大学健康栄養学部健康栄養学科/桐生大学医療保健学部栄養学科/徳島文理大学大学院人間生活学研究科食物学専攻 徳島文理大学
山本 真弓/梅原
徳島文理大学大学院人間生活学研究科食物学専攻/徳島文理大学健康科学研究所/医療法人はやし会 林内科/徳島文理大学大学院人間生活学研究科食物学専攻/徳島文理大学大学院人間生活学研究科食物学専攻/徳島文理大学大学院人間生活学研究科食物学専攻・徳島文理大学健康科学研究所
橋田 誠一
山本 真弓
山本 真弓
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