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Planning fallacy refers to the underestimation of the time taken to complete a future task,despite knowing that previous tasks have generally taken longer than planned. It was hypothesized that mood and delay of reward would intensify the planning fallacy. Forty-five female undergraduates participated in a congnitive experiment while hearing calm, toe-tapping music,or depressive music in the background. In the delay condition,participants were asked to write and submit an easy about the experiment in two weeks,and were promised a monetary reward on the day of submission. In the no-delay condition,participants received the reward and were asked to write an essay in two weeks.Then,participants predicted the date and the time required for completing the task.The delay of monetary reward apparently intensified the planning fallacy about the date of completion. However,the null effect on the predicted date suggested that participant`s commitment resulting from getting the reward might facilitate their performance and diminish the planning fallacy.Positive mood intensified the planning fallacy about the time required. It is suggested that this could be a mood-congruent effect. The effects of motivation and mood on the planning fallacy were discussed.
- 2011-03-31
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