小学校における英語科経営に関する研究 : 外国語活動のための実践共同体のデザイン
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The purpose of this study is to seek a way of designing the community of practice (Lave & Wenger, 1991) for nglish teaching at a primary school in preparation for the introduction of "Foreign Language Activities" in 2011. First of all, the recent situation surrounding English language education in primary schools is described to point out its problems. Then, the paper theoretically conceptualizes "practice" of English teaching and "development" of eachers as an English instructor based on situated learning theory called legitimate peripheral participation, and a framework is presented to grasp the realities of how the community of practice for English teaching is constructed at a primary school. Thirdly, it shows the results of a research conducted based on the framework to understand the present realities of English language education at primary schools from the reflexive viewpoints. Finally, a uture direction is considered for designing the community of practice for English teaching at their school. As a oncluding remark, this study emphasizes the necessity of designing the Ba or place for teachers to change their manners of participating in the community of practice for teaching English at their own school.
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- 中学校英語教科書に見られる異文化間コミュニケーション
- 小学校における英語科経営に関する研究 : 外国語活動のための実践共同体のデザイン
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