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There are many different critical opinions about the evaluation of Romeo and Juliet. One of the most puzzling problems in this play is the treatment of Romeo's love to Rosaline. Parody and caricature of a conventional lover are found in the episode of Romeo's love to Rosaline. And we see the change in the treatment of love-theme after the encounter of Romeo with Juliet. Has Romeo been changed from a foolish, doting and stereotyped lover to a real, human and ideal lover? And we find here a rather complicated problem in Shakespeare's treatment of the theme of love. We must also consider this problem in relation to the use of comic characters who seem to have too much importance in this play. Is Romeo and Juliet, then, a failure as a tragedy? What is Shakespeare's artistic intention when he takes up the well-known story of the "star-cross'd lovers"? Why does Shakespeare use so many puns and quibbles in this play? With these problems in mind, we turn our attention to Shakespeare's treatment of love-theme in this play. And we find there something in common with his treatment of love in The Two Gentlemen of Verona and Love's Labour's Lost. In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare's critical and parodying attitude towards the conventional concept of love is shown consistently throughout the whole play. We find that there is no essential change in Romeo in his love to Rosaline and to Juliet. Romeo is a sort of type all the time. But Shakespeare develops his theme of love in this play very skilfully, adding various elements : the deep-rooted feud and hatred between two families, the hint of the sad fate of the hasty action of the young lovers and the hint of darkness and death. To the concept of love as a parody is added the concept of worldly evanescence of earthly love. With the artifice of punning, and with the lyrical outburst of strong emotion, Shakespeare develops the theme of love and makes it the tragic essence of this play. And when we see the development of love-theme, we find in it the effort of young Shakespeare to establish the unique world of tragedy with balance and unity in it.
- 1966-10-15
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