韓国政府による対東南アジア「韓流」振興政策 : タイ・ベトナムへのテレビ・ドラマ輸出を中心に
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Since 2000, the popularity of South Korean popular culture known as Korean Wave or Hallyu has increasedsignificantly in Southeast Asia. The Korean Government now recognizes cultural industries as one of thetop key industries of the nation. The purpose of this paper is to review the cultural export promotionpolicies of the South Korean Government which are the basic backgrounds of the spread of Korean Wave,and to investigate how Korean Wave is being accepted and developed in Southeast Asia by drawing on theexamples of Vietnam and Thailand. Among many genres, such as music and film, this paper focuses onKorean TV dramas as they are the most important driving force in the Korean Wave industries. Byexamining push and pull factors in both importing and exporting countries, it indicates that in Vietnam andThailand, the carefully-planned strategic economic support of the Korean government for these industriesand the rapid expansion of multi-channel TV and multi-media industries, which are in want of attractivecontent, are the most important factors that have contributed to the Hallyu expansion.
- 2010-12-31
論文 | ランダム
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