保育者養成校におけるいのちの教育 : 出生前診断をテーマとした取り組み
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I conducted for the first time a series of debates, presentations and reporting in my class of General Practice "Life and Death Education" about the prenatal diagnosis. In debating with their fellow the students learned that there are many different ideas about the theme. Moreover, in reading related books they found out that the parents tend to decide the selective abortion if their child is to be born with Down Syndrome. Knowing that there are gifted or kind hearted children with Down Syndrome who are loved and nursed by their family, the students came up with questions: "Do parents have rights to decide to abort the fetus with disabilities?""Do people have to be in good health?". Prenatal diagnosis is considered to be a good theme for students of early childhood education to focus on in the "Life and Death Education" program.
- 2010-12-20
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