On the Complexity of Three-Dimensional Orthogonal Face Routing
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The 3-D switchbox routing is a fundamental problem on the physical design of 3-D integrated circuits. The 3-D channel is a 3-D grid G and the terminals are vertices of G located in the faces of the 3-D channel. A net is a set of terminals to be connected. The objective of the 3-D switchbox routing problem is to connect the terminals in each net with a Steiner tree (wire) in G in such a way that wires for distinct nets are disjoint. The 3-D orthogonal face routing is a special case of the 3-D switchbox routing such that every terminal is located on a pair of orthogonal faces. This paper shows that the 3-D orthogonal face routing is intractable even though every net has terminals both on the orthogonal faces.
- 2010-11-11
Ueno Shuichi
Department Of Communication And Integrated Systems Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Tayu Satoshi
Department Of Communication And Integrated Systems Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Ueno Shuichi
Department Of Biological Science Faculty Of Science Yamaguchi University
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