山形大学におけるアジア人財資金構想「とうほくものづくり国際人材育成プログラム」 : 平成20年度日本語関連科目の指導報告と課題
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Abstract:This paper reports the results of the first year of Yamagata University's sixmonth Japanese language education within its Human Resources Program for Asian Students 'Tohoku Monozukuri Industry Talents Relating to All-Asian Innovation Program'. Along with the cooperation between industries and university and the supporting of the job search, language education is one of the most important elements of the program. In this semester, both 'Business Japanese I' and an Intensive basic course for the students who have not yet reached the level of Business Japanese have been carried out. The aim of 'Business Japanese I' is to provide students with the knowledge necessary for business writing and a career plan. Particularly in the classes of a career plan, Japanese students were participating too, recognizing through working in cooperation, apart from attaining knowledge, differences and points they had in common with each other. In the intensive basic course, too, there was a lot of actual everyday practice, so the students were not afraid of hearing and using practical Japanese any more. As for future issues and tasks, practicing more effective coexistence of this program with Japanese supplementary courses will come first.
- 山形大学の論文
- 2010-03-31
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