- 論文の詳細を見る
The damage and decline of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) trees in the Kanto-Koshin and Kansai-Setouchi Districts have been discussed with secondary air pollutants. To clarify the morphological symptoms of the damaged cedar trees , branching structures of cedar trees were studied. The trees studied included one healthy tree and one tree with light damage in Abiko City, Chiba Prefecture. Limbs in the upper and middle sections of the crown, plus the branches and twigs of those limbs, were studied. The characteristics of the branching structures in the damaged tree were as follows. 1) A number of branches on the limbs, however there were only a few older branches, the parts nearest the trunk were quite bare of original branches, while the ends of the limbs were quite full. 2) In the place of older branches, many new branches were sprouting as if compensating for the loss of old branches. However, most of the sprouts were not healthy, and there were very few large sprouts. 3) Compared with the healthy tree, there were fewer twigs branching from the branches and the sprouts. 4) Yellow-brownish or brownish discolorations and unnatural death were recognized in the 3 and 4 year old needles of the branches, the sprouts and the twigs. These results suggested that the prematurely unnatural shedding of branches and twigs contributed to a crown thinning of the damaged tree, which is a typical symptom of trees with light or moderate damage. From the results of the former study in the Kanto-Koshin and Kansai-Setouchi Districts, these morphological symptoms seemed to be general symptoms in the initial stage of damage.
- 森林立地学会の論文
- 1991-12-30
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