地方交付税制度にかわる財源委譲は地域間格差を拡大するのか? : マクロ成長モデルにもとづくシミュレーション分析
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Decentralization has recently been one of the major topics in Japan. This paper assumes that national government transfers fiscal resources to local governments instead of the traditional tax grant allocations, and analyzes the effects of the fiscal transfer on economic growth and regional gaps. Three main results obtained by the analysis are as follows: (1) The fiscal transfer has no effect on economic growth, but expands on nationwide economic scale. (2) The regional gap is expanded by the fiscal transfer, but diminishes irrespective of this transfer in the long term. (3) The β-convergence and σ-convergence exist irrelevantly to the fiscal systems, and the fiscal transfer decreases the convergence speed.
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- 地方交付税制度にかわる財源委譲は地域間格差を拡大するのか? : マクロ成長モデルにもとづくシミュレーション分析