スポーツ傷害における情動的反応の傾向- 性差に着目して-
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In recent years, many problems related to sports injuries have been reported, among them suggestions ofthe tremendous burden and serious stress placed on an athlete’s psychology by receiving an injury.In addition to physical pain, pessimistic feelings of regret, anxiety, frustration, and inferiority occur, andoccasionally render long term rehabilitation inevitable, ending an athlete’s lifestyle without being able to returnto competitive life.According to a report published by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(1996), the incidence of sports injury among high school students is over 60%. However, a previously reportedsurvey of female students at sports universities( 2008) demonstrated that 90% of athletes had in factexperienced injury. Furthermore, the results of the Diagnostic Inventory for Mental Health Pattern revealedthat nearly 30% of those who had experienced sports injury were of the“ fatigue-type” demonstrating the exhaustionstage of stress, while nearly 20% were of the“ struggling-type” representing the stress resistancestage. If these stages are prolonged, they can impose a severe stress burden, affecting the efficacy of rehabilitationand possibly delaying recovery.These findings show that while correct medical treatment should be received as a matter of course, it isalso necessary to simultaneously consider reducing psychological stress in order to achieve early recovery forsports injury and a return to competition. Therefore, the present study aimed to clarify the effects of injury onathlete psychology and to establish basic data to achieve early recovery.
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