11aSC-11 Localization on kinks in Deconstructed dimensions
23aBV-10 Multi-Boson Stars in Graph Field Theory(23aBV 素粒子論的宇宙論,素粒子論領域)
11aSC-11 Localization on kinks in Deconstructed dimensions
14pSC-6 Weyl invariant Dirac-Born-Infeld-Einstein theory
12pSH-4 Weyl's gauge gravity in arbitrary dimensions
20pSP-10 重力,電磁,スカラー相互作用の打ち消し合いと半古典的摂動解析(素粒子論領域)
20pSP-8 Bigravity Black Hole
26pZA-10 Spherical Solutions in vierbein theory of bigravity
24pZF-4 Multi-graviton theory in vierbein formalism
30aSF-12 Gelfand-Yaglom method and Casimir effect in deformed compactification model
20pSP-16 Vortices and Superfields on a Graph
22aYB-6 The Casimir force in Deconstructed space
12pSH-7 励起モードに対する量子補正 : KK vs DD(重力,素粒子論領域)
30aSF-10 Statistical Mechanics of Charged Particles in Post-Newtonian Dilatonic Gravity
20pSP-9 ディラトン重力における1 : パラメータ解の物理的性質について(素粒子論領域)
24pZD-1 Domain Walls and Superfields on a Graph
23pZF-7 Induced Gravity in Deconstructed Space at Finite-temperature
Graph Laplacian and Graph Hosotani Mechanism?(Quantum Field Theories: Fundamental Problems and Applications)
10pSC-13 余次元に磁場のある場合の Deconstruction
新著紹介M. Blagojevic, Gravitation and Gauge Symmetries, Institute of Physics Pub., Bristol and Philadelphia, 2002, xiv+522 p., 23.5×15.5 cm, 11,480円, (Series in High Energy Physics, Cosmology & Gravitation), [大学院向・専門書]
30pSG-13 Multi-graviton theory, a latticized dimension and the Cosmologicd Constant
28aGC-10 Flux vacua in DBI type Einstein-Maxwell theory
27pGC-11 Gauge field theory in doubled spacetime
24pSF-2 Fermion star and large extra dimensions
29a-YQ-13 臨界条件に近い電荷をもった粒子の自己重力系
17pSB-12 Double Field Theoryにおける運動方程式 : 古典的粒子から量子宇宙まで(17pSB 弦理論・弦の場の理論,素粒子論領域)
16aSB-11 Einstein Universe under Deconstruction : 縮退したフェルミオンの場合(16aSB 量子・古典重力,素粒子論領域)
27pKA-8 Critical Cosmology in Higher Dimensions
25pKB-11 NJL model and deconstructed dimensions
11pSE-4 Gauge-Higgs Unification in Higher-Dimensional Lee-Wick theory
20aSK-8 高次元臨界高階重力(重力,素粒子論領域)
30aSC-1 離散的空間におけるBPSブラックホールのモデル(30aSC ブラックホール,ゲージ/重力対応,行列模型,素粒子論領域)