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Analytical results are presented on geometrical nonlinear deformation of a simplified load cell with double-layered cantilever beams. The double cantilever beams are clamped at the base ends and are connected to a rigid block at the top ends. The beams have excellent characteristics on the large output of strain to the small deformation by lateral loading. However, increasing the load intensity, output of strain shows nonlinearity due to the coupling between deflection and axial deformation of the beam. It is very important for the load cell to be with less of nonlinearity. Based on the nonlinear governing equation, analytical results are derived under the concentrated load acting on the rigid block of finite lengths. The direction of the load is perpendicular to the beam axis. The characteristics of nonlinear restoring force and deformed configuration of the beams are revealed under concentrated load. The generated strain to the load is also calculated. Furthermore, to inspect characteristics as an accelerometer with double cantilever beams, dynamic responses, under periodic acceleration are calculated with numerical integration on an assumption of a single degree of freedom system. It is found that the restoring force of the load cell shows nonlinear characteristics with the type of a softening spring. When the position of loading is closer to the top end of the beam and the distance between the two beams is larger, characteristic of linear relation is improved. Dynamic characteristics of amplitude-gain to the excitation frequency are constant in wide range under the lowest natural frequency. However, the super harmonic resonant response of the third order is generated at lower small region of frequency.
- 2010-11-25
野中 聡
林 達哉
山口 誉夫
小野里 直樹
丸山 真一
永井 健一
山口 誉夫
永井 健一
丸山 真一
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