日本語教育学の構造化を求めて : 隣接基礎科学との関連
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The aim of the present article is to describe the structure of Japanese Language Pedagogics, a new interdisciplinary science, focused on the relationships of other sciences to JLP. Basically foreign language pedagogics (FLP) should be a system. The system means that the components of FLP are interrelated and intertwined. Concretely the components are (1) Methods of teaching Japanese as. a foreign language, (2) Japanese linguistics, (3) applied linguistics, (4) Japanese culture and literature. The set of the elements cannot be the Gestalt, the system. The Gestalt, or JLP only exists: as was mentioned above, it has four elements or aspects. The elements must not be separated from the Gestalt (JLP). Japanese Language Pedagogics is quite different from "National Language Pedagogics" meaning Mehods of teaching Japanese as a first language. JLP has two sides: general Methods and special Methods. The former means Methods common to any foreign language education. JLP is one of the special Methods. In this connection, I studied the relationships to JLP of other related sciences: philosophy, pedagogics, psychology, physiology and linguistics.
- 日本教科教育学会の論文
- 1988-03-31
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