- 論文の詳細を見る
Japanese handicapped people have'nt enough work place now. We have quota system that public or private enterprises have to employ phisicaly handicapped people from 1.5% to 1.9%. But many enterprises didn't achive that persentages by the reserch 1980 of National Labour Board. Especialy the level of big companies was low. So many handicapped people wanted to work but they couldn't get work place, especialy severelly handicapped people including mentally handicapped and mentally reterded people. Zencolo group and Japan Council for International Year of Disabled Persons proposed to the government a plan to set up the Sheltered Employment system in Japan. I think severely handicapped people need the Sheltered Employment system such as that in Europe and so I agree that proposal. In this copy I wrote on the recent employment situation of handicapped people and suggested some subjects in relation to Sheltered Employment. 1. The problem of Employment policy for the handicapped people in Japan. 2. The consept of the Sheltered Employment. 3. Recent situation of the handicapped employment in foreign countries. 4. Handicapped movement to demand and subjects for the Shelered Employment system.
- 一般社団法人日本社会福祉学会の論文
- 1981-10-10
- 医療福祉の今日的課題 : 業務研究の意義(変革期における社会福祉)
- 諸外国の医療ソ-シャルワ-カ- (医療社会事業)
- 保護雇用の動向と課題(障害者福祉研究の課題)
- イギリス,オーストラリヤの庇護雇用
- 医療社会事業の問題点 : 今日の医療をめぐる状況の中で(II 社会福祉と医療)