OS1436 維持規格における供用前検査の許容基準に係る検討(エネルギー機器の経年劣化に関する健全性評価,オーガナイズドセッション)
- 論文の詳細を見る
JSME Fitness-For-Service (FPS) for Nuclear Power Plants Code has not defined the Pre-service-inspection (PSI) acceptance standards of volumetric examination of the weld, but ASME FFS Code which is the original Code of JSME FFS Code has defined the PSI acceptance standards. From such a background, investigating about positioning of PSI in JSME Codes and ASME Codes, and the interpretation of PSI of ASME FFS Code, the following were confirmed. PSI is done between examination at production inspection and In-service inspection (ISI), and PSI is necessary for the purpose of acquiring a baseline of ISI. Mainly Radiographic Testing (RT) is applied by the examination at production inspection, and Ultrasonic Testing (UT) is applied in PSI because UT is applied in ISI. There are PSI acceptance standards in ASME, but the PSI acceptance standards are not applied uniformly, and not denying production inspection results. The situation of examination enforcement for PSI is similar to JSME and ASME. Furthermore, we paid our attention to examination technique applied in PSI being different from a production inspection and investigated reports about the defect detection ability of RT and UT. Through investigation, we confirmed that ability for defect detection of RT and UT was almost equal. From above, it was confirmed that JSME FFS Code has not defined the PSI acceptance standards of volumetric examination of the weld were appropriate.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2009-07-24
柴山 隆
三菱重工業(株) 神戸造船所
山本 智
太田 隆
守中 廉
濱中 鉄也
守中 廉
柴山 隆
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- 330 WJPによる残留応力改善効果の持続性評価(表面処理・溶接材の残留応力・ひずみ評価,応力・ひずみ評価と材料強度,オーガナイスドセッション3)