OS0118 地震時損傷モードに関する研究 : 第1報 弾塑性解析(弾性数理解析とその応用,オーガナイズドセッション)
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For the simple vibration system that established the concentrated mass on the tip of the cantilever, we carried out elasto-plastic response analysis and examined the failure mode of nuclear equipment under earthquake loadings. As a result, the maximum response stress of the cantilever is less than tensile strength even if the input acceleration reaches more than 10 times of the acceleration to reach a yield stress. It is clarified that the threshold passage destruction do not occur under earthquake loadings.
- 2009-07-24
藁科 正彦
(株)東芝 電力システム社電力・産業システム技術開発センター
丹羽 博志
藁科 正彦
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