相対的剥奪の抑制による結果の受容 : 民事訴訟における手続き的公正の短期的効果
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Thibaut & Walker (1975) argued that disputants perceive fairness and are satisfied through a procedure which is easy to control because they intend to maximize their interests in a civil action. In such a theory, it is considered that the nature of procedural justice which disputants feel is satisfaction with the self-interest. However, in this study, we predicted that people would distinguish concern for procedural justice from concern for self-interest. The disputant's concern for self-interest would not be unlimited and the impression that the benefit is maximized within fair procedure would repress their feeling of relative deprivation and promote their acceptance of the result. We conducted research on people who engaged in a trial as disputants of civil actions and made an analysis of advantageous respondents, disadvantageous respondents, juridical persons, natural humans, and all respondents. It was confirmed that procedural justice promotes acceptance of a result through the restraint of relative deprivation.
- 2010-12-20
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