熱分解型元素分析/同位体比質量分析計(TCEA/IRMS)を用いた有機物の水素・酸素安定同位体比の測定方法における留意点とその応用(<特集>有機化合物の安定同位体比を用いた有機地球化学的研究の発展とその応用(Part I))
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Hydrogen and oxygen isotope analysis has become increasingly important as a potential powerful tool for the reconstruction of climatic conditions, the wildlife forensics and food authenticity. The development of thermal conversion elemental analyzer/isotope ratio mass spectrometer (TCEA/IRMS) facilitates a rapid and routine analysis of hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios for a great number of samples. Despite a rapidly growing literature on applications of hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios in geochemistry, ecology and food sciences, the lack of reliable technique to measure hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios at organic materials is regrettable. In this paper, we review the technical fundamentals (e.g. calibration and standardization) in measurement of hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios of organic materials. We also address an application to the authenticity of food and chemical materials.
- 2010-12-24
鈴木 彌生子
公立大学法人首都大学東京 大学院理工学研究科
鈴木 彌生子
鈴木 彌生子
佐藤 里恵
Suzuki Yaeko
Department Of Chemistry Tokyo Metropolitan University
Suzuki Yaeko
Department Of Chemistry Graduate School Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
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