Graph Orientation Problems for Multiple st-Reachability
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Consider the situation in which we wish to give one-way restrictions to aisles in a limited area, such as an industrial factory. We model this situation as graph orientation problems, where multiple st-pairs are given together with an edge-weighted graph and we seek an orientation that minimizes some objective function reflecting directed st-distances under the orientation. In this paper, we introduce two objectives, and study the corresponding two minimization problems: the first is min-sum type, and the second is min-max type. We first show that both min-sum orientation and min-max orientation problems are strongly NP-hard for planar graphs, and that min-max orientation remains NP-hard even for cacti. We then show that both problems can be solved in polynomial-time for cycles. Finally, we consider the problems restricted to cacti. Then, min-sum orientation can be solved in polynomial-time, and minmax orientation admits a polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm and a pseudo-polynomial-time algorithm.
- 一般社団法人情報処理学会の論文
- 2009-07-14
玉木 久夫
玉木 久夫
玉木 久夫
玉木 久夫
日本アイ・ビー・エム 東京基礎研
Takehiro Ito
Tohoku University
Ryuhei Uehara
School Of Information Science Japan Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
Uehara Ryuhei
School Of Information Science Japan Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
Yuichiro Miyamoto
Sophia University
Hirotaka Ono
Kyushu University
Hisao Tamaki
Meiji University
Ryuhei Uehara
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Tamaki H
Department Of Computer Science Faculty Of Science And Engineering Meiji University
Tamaki Hisao
Tokyo Research Laboratory Ibm Japan
Tamaki Hisao
The School Of Science And Technology Meiji University
Tamaki Hisao
Department Of Computer Science Meiji University
Takehiro Ito
Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University.
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