中古車輸出業の特徴と構造 : 非寡占的業界構造の今後の変化を展望して
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This paper aims to clarify the business structure of used-vehicle exportation from Japan to other countries. In particular, we consider how this business field with typical non-oligopoly features will change from this point onward. Previous studies have focused mainly on the recycle process of used vehicles exported from Japan to other countries. They have not addressed the structural change in the domestic business field. Moreover, they have not covered economic factors associated with the rapid growth in used-vehicle exports from Japan. Therefore, in this paper, we consider the structural aspects of this business, and attempt to clarify the factors leading to the rapid increase in used-vehicle exports. The number of used vehicles exported from Japan reached 1.347 million in 2008. The number has been increasing at a yearly rate of more than 10% during these several years. This number of 1.347 million means that around one-third of the closed bids in used-vehicle auctions in Japan are flowing into the export business. While the number of used-vehicle exports was 1.347 million, with a sales amount of 8.2 billion dollars, the company with the largest share exported only 32 thousand vehicles, with sales of just 159 million dollars. This translates to only 2.4% in volume, and 1.9% in sales figures. This used-vehicle export business has a typical non-oligopoly structure with more than 1,000 companies entered. Entry barriers and entry costs are low. As it is difficult to benefit from economies of scale in this business, large companies have little advantage and often exit from this business sector. The competitive advantage goes to those who are knowledgeable about hot-selling product lines, market pricing trends, and local sales practices. An ability to speak the local language is an essential skill. Therefore, foreign traders in Japan are able to be competitive.
- 2010-10-30
- 中古車輸出業の特徴と構造--非寡占的業界構造の今後の変化を展望して
- 中古車輸出業の特徴と構造 : 非寡占的業界構造の今後の変化を展望して
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